Thursday, August 17, 2006

A good vacation

Yvonne and I spent last week travelling down the Oregon coast. We flew to Portland on Saturday, rented a car, and took our time moving south along the coast highway. The scenery was indeed wonderful, as most people say. And it was good to have some time to read, to talk, and just be together.

We had taken Yvonne's notebook along so I could take advantage of the wifi offerings of our hotels and do some blogging. But it was not to be — the computer failed to boot up, ending with an error message and then trying to restart in an endless cycle.

Once we were back, it took the best part of a day to recover from a corrupted registry and get the beast back to operational state — something I worked on while Yvonne was out and about with her aunt who is visiting us this week from Holland. Sunday we'll take her up to Provost to continue her Canadian visit with her younger brother and his family.

The time away certainly gave me a lot to think about and reflect upon. Maybe some of that will eventually find its way onto this blog — but probably not tonight.


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