Monday, March 27, 2006

Balaam's ass

This past weekend at our denominational meetings, reference was made on more than one occasion to God speaking through Balaam's ass. For myself, I've tended to think of this story as a one time, special event, never to be repeated. I've probably been most likely to subscribe to the maxim "Just because God can speak through a donkey doesn't give an excuse to make an ass of one's self."

For whatever reason, I found myself struck by a number of incongruities during the singing sessions. I was struck how the insertion of some funky musical bridges into the accompaniment to some of the hymns simply ripped the text apart, rendering chunks of it almost meaningless. I was struck how the emotional content of the lyrics of some songs was completely at odds with the emotional content of the music. I was struck by some the bizarre theology that arose from taking some the lyrics seriously.

But most of all, I was struck by the incongruity of the inescapable observation that I was surrounded by people who were clearly sensing the presence and blessing of God in and through the singing of these songs — as thoroughly confused and theologically questionable as they were.

Ultimately, the only real conclusion is that God speaking through Balaam's ass was not just a one time, historical event — rather, God continues to speak through Balaam's ass today on a regular basis. So in the end, the incongruities of the music left me pondering not the incompetence of our denomination's musicians, but the amazing greatness and omnicompetence of God, who refuses to leave Himself without a witness even among the worst of our inanities and foolishness.

Which means there is hope for me yet.


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