Wednesday, September 14, 2005

church planting in a chaordic age

Wow! Does God only build the church in solid, permanent structures, like trees, or does He maybe build the church sometimes more like mushrooms? Especially in this turbulent, transitional period between the former modern age and whatever will take its place. Or maybe like the turbulent, transitional age of the first couple centuries of the Church's existence? Click on the title to read the article from the Resonate blog that spurred these comments.

This is God reminding me again that the church is not just the institutional group He's placed me in, it's also a much more mysterious, transitory yet enduring, invisible network that pops up on His request to meet the needs of the moment. Sort of like mushrooms popping up to clean up a mess and provide some sort of nourishment to someone, before disappearing again. Like the way people who don't know me at all keep popping into my life at opportune moments to lift my faith when it flags.

If I can remember that, maybe the struggles with the fixed, instutitional manifestations of church will be easier to walk through.


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