Monday, March 14, 2005

Hearing God's Call: To Go or To Stay?

Perhaps all of us from time to time wrestle with the question of whether to remain in the local church of which one is a part, or to move on to another. Pastors do, and so do congregants, although they may perhaps look at the issue in different ways.

My wife and I are grappling with the question right now. But we believe it is not enough just to ask questions like: where would I be happier? or where can I get my needs met? or where will we feel at home?. More important is hearing God's call. For us, this is the issue, indeed the only issue -- all the rest are barely secondary.

But how does one hear God's call? Reflections on that question will likely form the basis for a number of subsequent posts. I don't expect to come up with the definitive answer -- indeed I strongly doubt such one exists -- but perhaps these reflections will prove useful -- to myself as well as to others.


At 5:37 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, the question is a good one; "How does one hear God's call?" Through my recent reading of Numbers and Deuteronomy it struck me how many times it says, "And God said to Moses ... Joshua." And it seemed that my prayer began to be "Lord, speak to me, too!" Is this arrogant to ask of him?
Doug Peebles


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